Video Rough Cuts and Comments

Draft clips analysis and feedback

World Gone Mad Full Draft V12

Class Feedback from Presentation, 23 September 2014
a) The font on the tile does not match the idea that the "Word has gone mad"
b) The font on the yellow smoke text messages are not right
c) Some of the end text messages are missing question marks
d) The montage pictures at the end could go twice a fast to create more sense of madness
e) The end of the yellow smoke needs to be fixed up, it has some end issues
f) The caves are too dark
g) The cave messages are too short
h) Still need ending credits
i) There may still need some images to create a sense that the world has gone mad. The video is now saying this well
j) Just before the city of London morph there is some kind of flash
k) Warburg's reference is disconnected from his quote
l) The two cave quotes are missing author's names
m) The singing and guitar playing at the end of the song is way out of sync.
n)  The terrorism fire fighters could have the edges cleaned up
o) The guidestone blue edges need to be cleaned up
p) The tunnels light could suit a red tint
q) Rothchild's legs look a bit to jelly-like
r) This is a small flicker on the all seeking eye one as it fades in and one as it fades out
s) At Revelations text the mouth sync is out.
t) After the fire-engine this is a blank square
u) There is a flick just before the atomic bomb right at just after the Los Angeles Police Department Rescue
v) This is a flick just after the message 'Choose ye this day who you will serve'
w) The end would be better to finished on a video recording of a Nuclear bomb 
x) Fonts in yellow fog need to be changed no serifs
y) Some pictures need to be removed - Tony's comment'
z) The food on the table need to be moving
aa) The dragon and Illuminati ritual are quite pixellated as are some of the photos
ab) Could have a plane with chem trails over the silos.

Feedback Tony Koretz, 24 September 2014
1) I agree with most of the classes comments but not:
d) I wouldn't want to see the pictures go twice as fast. But there may be other ways of going from one picture to the next that might work for effect.
f) I don't think the cave should be very much bright than they are - maybe tad but nor too much.
2) I don't like having a picture of the videographer ( Hudson) at the start. There could be one at the end credits time..but it shouldn't be at the start.
3) The wrong footage of me at the "You've Been Had, you've been conned tad section as been used. I wanted the closeup of me in sunglasses used there- not the guitar shots.
4) AT 2:01 why does the same soldier appear twice? It's too obvious it's the same guy both times. During the Warburg quote ( which the text is too disjointed), there should be some different images used after the first soldier.
5) When I am playing the guitar solo in the yellow smoke there needs to be some other stuff happening in the background. The drone is good. More of that sort of stuff needed.
6) During the solo between 2:11 and 2:18 I shouldn't be in the picture at all because I am not playing anything at that point..just waiting for the next line of the solo. Fill it will interesting images instead.
7) After the red smoke following the solo, the B&W Bohemian Grove pictures don't really fit the theme of the words. Use Oil wells, burning oil wells before the Rothschild picture section
8) The colored and animate picture of Bohemian Grove at 3:31 is really good…but it lasts too long. How about fading it into the Denver Colorado 1 Mural ( Military guy with saber  and gas mask killing peace dove)
9) At 3:54 the soldiers picture. Pleas replace it with a different one since I have use that one in a previous video. Also at 4:14 the nuclear explosion..for the same reason.

Feedback Louise Hutt, 24 September 2014
a) The word chaos exploding should happen when the word chaos is spoken, then when the word control is spoken a red stamp appear on the wall appears with the word control. For this to happen the panning will need to be speed up.
b) The edge on the ring when it opens needs to be a bit larger
c) The singer in front of the slum, the food and the silos needs to have blending added to make him look less layered
d) The food could do better with a zoom in pan
e) The dragon coming out of the wall has artifacts on the side
f) Going down the tunnel would have better continuity with the dragon if it used red light
g) The yellow smoke it too bright after coming to this from the dark caves
h) The casing on the text in the fog is not consistent
i) The text in the fog is not blended in the fog as it is further away
j) The text in the fog font kerning looks inconsistent.
k) The text in the fog font letter 'a' seem out of place the the 'o'.
l) The text in the fog would be better to be more square to make it more authoritative.
m) I was unable to focus on the lyrics and red the text. These text messages would better be put where there was not singing.
n) The soldiers coming out of the fog look too much like a loop. They would be better to overlap to make them look like an army marching out of the fog together.
o) The guitar playing is too long
p) The firemen have artifact about them
q) The Rothschild animation speech text is too hard to read. What would be better is to center the speech bubble and put it up before the animating coins.
r) Maybe the red moon is too long (not sure)
s) The all seeing eye would be better to be back and white. You have introduced a new colour which breaks to unity too much.
t) The Illuminati text would better match the orange colour
u) The Illuminati text reflection is not in the water, and nor are the flames. What would be better would be to make your own reflection.
v) The Illuminati image is of bad quality. Use Google upload image to find a higher resolution image.
w) The pictures are of two kind, center or thirds. Use only one type and discard the others
x) The timing of the text coming towards you is slightly out with the music.
y) The photo speed is right. I would not want to watch the video if the images were coming at me in a fast blur.
z)  The last message font is good.
aa) The main issue to fix it the colour pallet. There are too many colours. What you need to do is limit these to black, pale white, red, and yellow. The photos then could be made into back and white tints to bring unity to them.

World Gone Mad Full Draft V12



 Further artistic direction

Tony Koretz - 19 September
a)The tank falling on the silos: Why not do something in the sky before the tank falls on the silos. Turn the blue sky into one laden with chemtrails…or set off a nuclear mushroom cloud in the background. Keep the silos and the tank…but make the picture more 3-D or moving somehow.
b)The table of food. The picture maybe stays the same for too long. Instead of it being static, could you introduce some movement into the it getting closer or further away, or coming into focus in the background instead of being static?
c) The guide stones section is now really good..including the red smoke and the dragon. I'm happy with that.
d) Racing down the tunnel to the words works really well. It looks great……..BUT…….can you include the words:
…. Adam Weishaupt ( Order of Illuminati)
somehow in it because it's important that the quotes are linked to who said them.
e)The soldier in the chemical mist is good the way he moves in…but in my mind there should be some other movement in the background layered underneath it. Could you use the smoke billowing transparently, but this time yellow layered underneath it? Would that work?
f) Me playing the guitar in the mist looks good…….but it's too long. Definitely take me out o the bit between the leadlines where I'm not actually in the middle of it.
Again there need to be another layer of something happening in the background behind it…..even if it's transparently hidden by the mist..a ruined town or something.

Version 6 & 7 - Draft Feedback

Feedback Tony Koretz, 12th September 2014:
I have watched the Intro V6 Draft. I hope it's not going to upset you too much, but I am going to be critical and honest here. I don't like the changes you have made. I was much happier with the v4 and here's why:
a) I prefer the earlier versions of the start  with the globe and me then appearing. It was fine as it was previously. I was happier looking like a person than a painting that I now appear to look like.
b) I don't think you as the videographer should be in the opening at all. If you want to put your picture in the end credits that's fine but NOT at the start. Here is why: because most of my target audience and viewers judging by my last video "The Long Locked Door" is made up of a mix of Christian End Time watchers, anti-New World Order, anti-Illuminati and those who are looking for news regarding current events and watching out for future news regarding the world and where it's heading. I am wanting to get a message out there and present people in the form of a music video some facts of where things are at regarding the NWO and agenda 21. By putting your picture in there it now appears more as a video showreel rather than focusing on the message.
c) Don't overuse Video Effects for the sake of effects. They get distracting and take away from the smoothness of the project. For example the spinning where it changes from a picture of me to you. I also don't like pixellation like right at the start with the globe. It just makes the video appear wrong to me.
d) I prefer to see my whole person when playing the guitar in the intro as you ha dit before rather than only the body shot you have now. Having it as a black and white picture is fine though...I do like that aspect of it.
e) Now the audio! Ok audio is my thing. While I may not know so much about video, I work on audio day in day out, so I have a fair bit of knowledge in that field. Your new spoken audio sounds forced and overdone. It doesn't sound natural. Also there is far too much delay. It sounds messy and there is too much of it. Also the word "Control" now is almost unrecognizable as "Control" because the end of the word disappears into mush. It sounds like "contra".

Basically I am want a video that is smooth..not too much fast jerky stuff, not lots of spinning stuff. So it progresses naturally. If you watch my "Long Looked Door" video it runs with  a sort of smoothness, and even though lots of effects are used, it's not the effects themselves that take center stage.

Feedback Hudson Millar, 12th September 2014:
 I mostly agree, in order of significance.
a) The audio was an experiment not so much with the effects but the voice. The failure was with his diction as you have pointed out. I prefer my own voice which I intended to redo with this same speech. Taking a step back I an interested in setting a serious tone, which contrasts nicely when the rock music as it comes in. The bottom line is I never intended to keep this version audio intro. I will take more care with the effects now that you mention it.
b) The reason for the change in the playing at the beginning is there was something fundamentally wrong with it and it has been annoying me.  I think it is colour, lighting, and shape, but on top of this I wonder if it is also because it lacks the energy needed to express the accompany sound. I have already changed this in my latest version (V7 below) but I still think it is not quite right.
c)  The idea I was creating in the intro was to emulate a printed CD. The spinning was related to a CD's nature movement. The problem I think may be that this transition has been used with spinning newspapers in the Batman TV series and so the associated tone is not serious enough for this genre.
d) An important aspect about media is how it makes you feel. If the feelings don't match the message there is a mistake no matter how sophisticated this mistake may be. Having said this I do quite like the stylized threshold image. This has been used on The Waltons and the A team, one serous the later tongue-in-cheek. I think the reason for the Waltons was the connection with an illustrated novel that suited the story. Maybe the printed CD image lacks energy although like the Waltons not completely off genre.

Video Production Class Feedback, 16th September 2014:
a) I do not want to read lots of words and listen and watch a music video. I would just ignore the words especially large blocks of words.
b) The text needs to be shorter, bold,  alive and moving. The text could be okay in the lead solo break where there are no conflicting lyrics to divert your attention.
c) The circled text on the guidestone is too short
d) The singers performance is disconnected from the song. One way to overcome this could be to change the singers appearance to a black and white graphic novel look.
e) The start was really powerful but then it lost something latter on with the pictures.
f) The content does not give you the impression that the world has gone mad.
g) The tank falling on the silos has a Mony Python mise-en-scene aesthetic.

Feedback Louise Hutt, 17th September 2014:
a) After the explosion of the falling tank there is an unsynchronized fade where the smoke disappears before the singer.
b) The edge on the blue sky in the guidestones video is not very smooth
c) The singer's image is too isolated from the background. It could do with some blending to help make it belong.
d) There are too many words that are not able to be read at the same time as listening to the music.
e)  The performance of the singer is disconnected from the music. This is what can happen in the unreal environment of a green screen shoot. Some of the things that could be done to improve this video footage.
   (i) Use shorter takes - even really short ones that can be used to create high energy pacing.
   (ii) Zoom in and by using a moving light, only show parts of his face at one time.
   (ii) Add effects, colour, light, pixelation etc. 

Version 6 & 7 - Draft


Further artistic direction

9th September 2014, at 3:30 pm, Tony Koretz
I have been thinking about the video, and wondering whether having young boy in it to signify how the next generation is being robbed of their future by the NWO globalist agenda, would gain some attention to it and tug at people's heart strings a bit.
I won't to inspire people to do stuff to fight this evil agenda…not just sit back with their heads in the sand and do nothing to try to stop what is happening.

But it would mean you would have to do a bit of filming. You might be able to do some of it with green screen? Maybe Ethan could act the role of the boy?

So here are some ideas I had:
1) In the beginning when you are doing your speech……….

a) AIR: how about having the boy walking in the city with cars, people traffic etc…..he could then look up and see chemtrails in the sky. You could use some chemtrail images here for the sky.
b) FOOD: probably just ignore this in terms of filming
c) WATER: how about having the boy standing with a fishing pole next to a nice clear stream or pond. The water could either dry up and disappear, or it could turn blood red


The boy could be fishing in the water and some police or army ranger could come along and put a sign up saying " Fishing prohibited without Government permit" and then arrest and handcuff the boy
2) In the Guitar solo section which starts at approx 1:14 ( immediately after the first chorus )
a) the boy could be standing looking up at the mural from Denver International Airport ( …..Denver-1.jpg) the one with the soldier wearing gas mask. It would only need to be 4 or 5 seconds of footage.

b) Next the boy could be standing looking an you could use military pictures of soldiers with gas masks etc.

You could use the footage of me playing guitar in parts of this section, but have me smallish on the screen with other backgrounds. I don't want to be big center of screen attraction.

I have also added a Fat banker picture…who happens to be a Rothschild from the past..could be useful! Vanity Fair Print: 1900 Arthur de Rothschild, Banker Product Code: 10813

Archived Product

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31 August 2014, at 3:20 pm, Tony Koretz
I have uploaded anew image folder to dropbox called Georgia Guidestones. All needed pictures are in there for this sequence. OK here's what I want you to do with the video immediately following the bit you have already done. Don't have me in the picture at all here. So the images will be used here:
Where the words sung are "I Maybe day's are numbered for all under the sun. We're Living in world gone mad. Oh ain't it sad"

(a) First Image: Georgia guidestones-lowres.jpg
(b) Zoom it to Georgia guidestones2.jpg
(c) Then it needs to flatten to GeorgiaGuidestones1.jpg
(d) Once Georgia Guidestones1.jpg is in place them use your red pen to circle the words at the top of the stone: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature"
(e) Once people have had time to read that then go to GeorgiaGuidestones5.jpg
(f) Once you are there use your red pen to circle the date March 22. In red pen then write 3/22
(g) Then bring up image Skull&bones322.jpg
(h) Then use your red pen to draw a line going from the middle of the skull & bones, heading diagonally towards the left hand bottom of the screen and bring up the image of George Bush (George-W-Bush.jpg). Use your red pen to go from the center o the skull & bones and head diagonally towards the right hand bottom of the screen and bring up picture of John Kerry (John_Kerry_Secretary_of-State-Portait.jpg)
(i) In red pen on George Bush's picture write "Inducted into Skull & Bones 1968"
(j) In red pen on John Kerry's picture write "Inducted into Skull & Bones 1966"
(k) Don't spend too much time with bush & kerry on the screen though…allocate them only very short spaces of time.

Dragon coming out of the screen transition:- (Draft 2)

Feedback Tony Koretz:  (a) I like the way you have used the dragon coming towards us and getting bigger..that looks really good………..but….
(b) It looks great a 00:01:31 with all the reds and yellows and black in the dragons mouth. But then it fades to "boring black"….so…..
(c) Why not keep the colours at 00:01:31 there for longer instead of going to a black background? You could do interesting things with those colours. They could morph into other colored pictures. Some possible options could be: flames, or street lights in a downtown city at night, or burning oil fields…….and then the picture could…..
(d) eventually it becomes a nuclear bomb blast. In the images folder called "Nuclear" you will find a couple of red nuclear bomb images.
(e) I think there are too many words to read. It's distracting. Lets get rid of some of the words keeping only these words in the first text frames "The Great strength of our order lies in it's concealment" In the second text frames keep only these words "… that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors." (abridged)

Feedback Hudson Millar: (a) I don't think I like the look of Tony moving from left to right like he is sitting on a carousel when the image changes from slum to feast. I think I will fix him to the right.
(b) Just before the tank falls Tony is drifting to the left, this needs to be fixed
(c) When the dragon comes into screen Tony is cut in with a straight edge mask rather than using the a luminance key as is done with the picture on the right, this needs to be fixed.




Dragon wipe transition:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Tony Koretz: (a) The logo has dragons on it........but it's important to show the City Logo including words. Then somehow it would be cool if the image could become an angry dragon facing the screen. All this before the chorus singing starts.
(b)  It mostly looks Good. However, rather than a dragon going across the screen............I more envision an angry snarling dragon's head coming out towards you. Not the whole body, just the head...facing "at you". That would Kind of be in keeping more with the demonic hexagram effect you used earlier.

Title Sequence:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Louise Hutt: The block text does create an 80s look as in "Third Rock from the Sun" TV Series. Not having stars is good to separate from a sci-fi genre. The look could fit the conspiracy genre. The world "world" should be included in a smaller font. Kept the current text until you can see how it works with the rest of the video

Feedback Tony Koretz: Would like to include the word 'world"

Title Sequence:- Draft 1

Words and Music By:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Tony Koretz: This is one of the bits I wanted the guitar playing footage. Me with sunglasses looks like I'm looking round, but there's nothing to see. A kind of movie screen vortex of images rushing in a "V' shape either side of me so that I am looking at something might work.....but that might be hard to make. Even if I'm playing the guitar it probably still needs some other visuals in the background other than just black.

Feedback Hudson Millar: In terms of these clips I am making they are cut longer than will be in the final edit so that I have overlap time. What you are looking at are the words circling you. The rest is overlap footage.

Words and Music By:- Draft 1

1. Timeline :002:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Hudson Millar: The camera moves too fast and the changes in direction are too hard. The text "Chaos" looks wrong. The speed needs to be adjusted to match the audio which is a spoken dialogue. The general look is good, since it is meant to represent the Illuminati banking, its age and the modern.

Feedback Louise Hutt: The main issue is the word "Chaos". It is not connected with the previous words "order out of". It is different in font by family, colour, size, it is standing out from the wall, it is 3D and has a drop shadow. This would not make sense as it should match there rest of the related text. You could put it on the wall and destroy it still maybe.

Timeline :002 - Draft 1

11. Timeline: Start at 2:20 Fade out by 2:42:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Louise Hutt: The font used to write the words "the beast" should be a formal hand written font and not a tagging font. The red underlines need to be thickened so that they are not fading to thin.

11. Timeline: Start at 2:20 Fade out by 2:42

Painting Effect:- (Draft 1)

Feedback Louise Hutt: The paint effect on the singer looks more like square pixels. What you could do is import this footage into Photoshop as as a png sequence and use the paint effect in this program to make the look more natural.

Painting Effect

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