The video content outline has been provided to me by Tony Koretz and I intend to follow this as closely as I can within the limits of my assignment, which are fairly broad. The primary theme is apocalyptic, which stems from conspiracy theories on the Illuminati, but it also contains other related themes such as war, Marxism, politics, biblical prophecy and money.Time Line Note - by Tony Koretz
Timeline references I have used here are related to the timeline as it currently stands on the video. They include the before the front end pre-music roll...ie there is Ross saying ready..rolling etc, and this is included in my timeline references here so you will need to adjust numbers accordingly if you remove the pre-music roll footage:
Me with Sunglasses on Footage:
There are light reflections in the
glasses. Could this be a problem? Can it be fixed? Where possible use
this footage if the sunglass reflections can be deemed to be a
non-issue. There are some places I specifically DO want this
footage used, Here are timeline references for those places.
Places where I am pointing at the
Guitar Playing Footage:
Generally I only want to use this
footage when there are instrumental sections..not whenI am singing.
Here are some timeline sections I DO want it used on:
011-018 (in the intro)
024-026 (This is where I close my eyes
1:17-1:42 (This is the guitar solo
section. But don't have me in the piece in the middle of it when I am
not actually playing. I don't necessarily have to be seen all the way
through this section...it depends on where it fits with the other
2:58-3:02 (This is a short bit between
verses and includes a chromatic run on the guitar)
Me Close up Singing Footage
This footage can be used anywhere that
the sunglasses footage and guitar footage is not appropriate. It
should be the most used footage in the video.
Update: 19 September 2015
As far as pictures go....use some military stuff in the first part
of the second verse. For the second half of the verse I have uploaded
some public domain moving footage of gold and also money. Use one or
both of them and put the picture of the fat banker ( the vanity fair
Rothschild picture) in there with it.
There is
also the pale horse from the Denver airport and the mural o f the guy
with gas mask and sabre from the Denver airport that need to be used
somewhere...maybe you could frame the horse against a dark sky and make
it's eyes glow more and then it could get framed by the moon like for
the bit I sent in a previous email about the full moon etc. That all
may be best in the second chorus
In Video Text by Tony Koretz
1. Timeline :002
"Ordo ab Chao" (Order out of Chaos)
2. Timeline: 006
"Novus Ordo Seclorum" ( a New World Order)
3. Timeline: 010
“E. Pluribus Unum” (From Many, One)
4. Timeline: 015 Fade out by 2:22
The Order Of the Illuminati is a global conspiracy
5. Timeline: Start at 036 fade our by 046
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment."
(Adam Weishaupt)
6. Timeline: Start at 046 fade Out by 056
"So that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors."
(Adam Weishaupt)
7. Timeline: Start At 1:14 fade Out By 1:20
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." (Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg)
8. Timeline: Start at 1:20 fade Out By 1:27
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." (CFR-James Warburg)
9. Timeline: Start at 1:27 fade out by 1:45
Agenda 21………………..World War III……………Global Financial collapse…………Pandemics…….
How will this happen? 1) Multi-National Military exercises disguised as humanitarian, 2) Global financial collapse, 3) Large scale wars, 4) Martial Law with UN troops policing countries, 5) Global Green Agendas eroding freedom, 6) Undermining of Religious freedom, 7) Viral Pandemics & forced vaccination 8) Global Depopulation
In this text..just keep bit at a time… quite big, but maybe semi transparent text might work. Fade each phrase in and out replaced by the next phrase
10. Timeline: Start at 1:57 Fade out by 2:05
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)
11. Timeline: Start at 2:20 Fade out by 2:42
“The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” (Revelation 13:15-17)
12. Timeline: Start At 2:42 Fade out by 3:00
Operation Blue Beam could be used to present holographic images of a fake alien & UFO invasion. They will use many deceptions to implement the NWO. How far under the Illuminati mind control influence are you?
How far under the Illuminati mind control influence are you?
13. Timeline: Start At 3:03 Fade Out by 3:08
There WILL be a great delusion?
14. Timeline: Start At 3:10 Fade Out by 3:15
How Open are YOUR eyes?
15. Timeline: Start AT 3:18 Fade Out by 3:25
What will stop YOU from being deceived by the lies?
16. Timeline: Start At 3:30 Fade Out By 3:35
The Beast will demand allegiance. Choose ye this day whom YOU will serve.------------------------------------------------------
Additional Notes: Somewhere we need to cryptically include these dates....on a wall or something where they are hidden in plain sight:
September 13, 2015, Start dates
September 29, 2015
Also 2018 needs to be shared with an image of burning money or something similar to signify the introduction of a new currency.
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